
Autumn 1 Learning in the Classroom

October 18, 2023

This September we have been exploring our emotions through our focus story, The Colour Monster. The story explains five different emotions: Happiness, sadness, fear, anger and calm and a colour is allocated to each emotion. We have talked about each emotion and the things that make us feel happy, sad, scared, angry or calm. We have also talked about things we can do when we want to feel better.

We have been inspired by the story to create our own colour monsters using mixed media. Can you show your grown-up or use a mirror together to guess each other's emotions or maybe even draw a picture of how you are feeling?

At group time we have been getting to know each other and enjoying lots of educational group games. These are some of our favourites:

We have been differentiating sounds by hiding different instruments under a blanket. Somebody is invited to make a sound with one of the hidden instruments and we all guess which one it was.

We have been learning some new songs and practicing some old favourites such as, ‘If You’re Happy and you Know It’ and using a ‘feelings dice’ to prompt the different emotions we can include in the song.

We have also been taking it in turns to jump as far as we can. We marked our landing spots on the floor with masking tape and we compared the distances we could jump.

Thank you to Bemma, from African Ark, who visited our nursery to teach us about traditional African culture. We had so much fun learning new dance moves, crafts and stories.

Our big focus story this half term is, ‘Anansi’. ‘Anansi’ is traditional West African tale about a spider who goes on an adventure but he gets into trouble. Anansi has six sons who rescue him from danger. We have really enjoyed this story and we have engaged in lots of spider themed activities. Can you draw a spider for your grown up? Can you count your spider’s eight legs? How many eyes will it have?

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