
Spring 1 Learning in the Classroom

February 11, 2024

Our first focus story for this half term was the Dinosaur Department Store. After reading the book together we learnt the songs to accompany the story. Then we transformed our Classroom following the dinosaur theme. We built our own dinosaur department store in the home corner where you could buy any kind of dinosaur you could imagine. We also did lots of dinosaur observational drawing and we made our own giant keys to help release the dinosaurs from their cages. Then we had some special visitors, the Concerteenies, who came to perform the story with us. They brought along a big instrument called a cello which really brought the story and songs to life.

Our second focus story this half term was The Great Race which is a story about how the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac raced across the river to decide the order in which each year should be named. The winner was the rat and so the first year was named ‘the year of the rat.’ Followed by the ox, the tiger, the rabbit and so on. Which year are you? We made our own Chinese Lion and had our very own Lion dance parade to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

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